Title : The Daily Moron
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The Daily Moron
Continuing our popular series "The Daily Moron" we introduce a new feature, "The Nightly Trash" which shall depict supporters of the Moron in the wild. First, Larry Laughlin, Minnesota. Larry:
“Fake news is subjective. It depends on who’s defining it. One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.”
Tremendous turn of phrase there by Larry.
Larry Laughlin, a retired businessman from a Minneapolis suburb, compares Mr. Trump to a high school senior who could “walk up to the table with the jocks and the cheerleaders and put them in their place.” That is something that the “nerds and the losers, whose dads are unemployed and moms are working in the cafeteria,” could never do. Mr. Trump may be rich, he said, but actually belonged at the nerd table.(NYT)
Like high school seniors Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold! Right, Larry? They sure put the jocks and cheerleaders at Columbine in their place, didn't they! Hoo-doggie! Put 'em six foot under, they did.
When you fantasize like this, Larry, maybe you have dreams, what does Trump/the high school senior do to "put the jocks and cheerleaders in their place"? Have you ever had thoughts, fantasies, dreams about COLUMBINE? Do you own any guns, Larry? Yes, right?
With the losers, right Larry? It's the "nerds and the losers" table, right? Trump belongs at the "nerds and losers table" with you, right?
Larry, back to Columbine here, that whole image of yours is so specific...
"A lot of the tension in the school came from the class above us," Chad Laughlin states. "There were people fearful of walking by a table where you knew you didn't belong, stuff like that. Certain groups certainly got preferential treatment across the board." (Wikipedia Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold)
...Chad Laughlin is no relation, right?
“The guys who wouldn’t like me wouldn’t like Trump,” he said. “The guys who were condescending to him were condescending to me."
“I feel like I’m watching my uncle up there. Where me and Chuck Schumer — that’s like going to the dentist.”
"There are all of these preconceived notions that I’m a racist, idiot, a bigot, and oh, uneducated.” And oh, mentally ill. (quotes from NYT)
A poem for Larry Laughlin:
He sits in the dawn, if it can be called dawn,
of midwinter in Minnesota, scribbling.
The dog prowls & whimpers,
being in heat. His human ladies are asleep,
the baby & her mother. His lamp is on,
another overcast.
Where hid the brilliances whereof he dreamed
in swift youth, loud, unable to recite
the actual history of disappointment
that would be his, and that would be all right.
So here failed Henry sits, counting his losses,
not wholly in despair, and growing hungry.
He slept longer than usual:
one cliff he had to descend, clinging to mosses,
woke him though. I would call him half-angry,
an object of wintry pity.
-John Berryman
“Fake news is subjective. It depends on who’s defining it. One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.”
Tremendous turn of phrase there by Larry.
Real people person, Larry. Extrovert. Never got the high school cheerleaders, Larry. Nerd, loser, Larry. Not a jock.
Larry Laughlin, a retired businessman from a Minneapolis suburb, compares Mr. Trump to a high school senior who could “walk up to the table with the jocks and the cheerleaders and put them in their place.” That is something that the “nerds and the losers, whose dads are unemployed and moms are working in the cafeteria,” could never do. Mr. Trump may be rich, he said, but actually belonged at the nerd table.(NYT)
Like high school seniors Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold! Right, Larry? They sure put the jocks and cheerleaders at Columbine in their place, didn't they! Hoo-doggie! Put 'em six foot under, they did.
When you fantasize like this, Larry, maybe you have dreams, what does Trump/the high school senior do to "put the jocks and cheerleaders in their place"? Have you ever had thoughts, fantasies, dreams about COLUMBINE? Do you own any guns, Larry? Yes, right?
With the losers, right Larry? It's the "nerds and the losers" table, right? Trump belongs at the "nerds and losers table" with you, right?
Larry, back to Columbine here, that whole image of yours is so specific...
"A lot of the tension in the school came from the class above us," Chad Laughlin states. "There were people fearful of walking by a table where you knew you didn't belong, stuff like that. Certain groups certainly got preferential treatment across the board." (Wikipedia Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold)
...Chad Laughlin is no relation, right?
“The guys who wouldn’t like me wouldn’t like Trump,” he said. “The guys who were condescending to him were condescending to me."
“I feel like I’m watching my uncle up there. Where me and Chuck Schumer — that’s like going to the dentist.”
"There are all of these preconceived notions that I’m a racist, idiot, a bigot, and oh, uneducated.” And oh, mentally ill. (quotes from NYT)
A poem for Larry Laughlin:
He sits in the dawn, if it can be called dawn,
of midwinter in Minnesota, scribbling.
The dog prowls & whimpers,
being in heat. His human ladies are asleep,
the baby & her mother. His lamp is on,
another overcast.
Where hid the brilliances whereof he dreamed
in swift youth, loud, unable to recite
the actual history of disappointment
that would be his, and that would be all right.
So here failed Henry sits, counting his losses,
not wholly in despair, and growing hungry.
He slept longer than usual:
one cliff he had to descend, clinging to mosses,
woke him though. I would call him half-angry,
an object of wintry pity.
-John Berryman
Thus Article The Daily Moron
That's an article The Daily Moron This time, hopefully can give benefits to all of you. well, see you in posting other articles.
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